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NLP skills which can boost personal development cover

NLP skills which can boost personal development

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Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological concept that suggests that as human beings, we observe the world based on our feelings and perceptions. NLP techniques are used in therapy to help people with personal development and to overcome anxieties.

Mistakes to avoid when starting an NLP practice cover

Mistakes to avoid when starting an NLP practice

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Starting an NLP practice can be slightly daunting, but don’t forget, you’re about to make a big difference to people’s lives. When it comes to therapy or life coaching, you’ll need a certain set of skills. But what are some of the common mistakes people make when starting an NLP practice?

4 essential skills you need to be an effective NLP practitioner cover

4 essential skills you need to be an effective NLP practitioner

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There are some core skills that you need as a coach or therapist who uses Nero-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in your practice. Of course, your own NLP knowledge and training are key, but these four ‘soft’ skills are also vital to your success as an NLP practitioner. They are likely skills for which you have a natural affinity, or you wouldn’t have chosen this work. But it is still important to be mindful of their role in your work so that you can continue to develop your NLP practice.